Tea Biscuits – The Anytime Rolled Biscuit

Tea Biscuits

Tea Biscuits is a night time snack I use to share with my dad when he was alive. He would sit in the kitchen while I made them. Most times I made them from a boxed biscuit mix, however, I prefer to make them myself.  Below is the recipe I have used for years. My dad liked to have his with a slice of cheddar cheese on top, where I liked to cut mine open and put some butter and some jam. We would sit down at the kitchen table and … Continue reading

Air Purifying Indoor Plants

Air Purifying Plants

Air purifying Indoor Plants can help produce oxygen from CO2(carbon Dioxide), but also know that some absorb benzene, formaldehyde or trichloroethylene. If you have any of the plants listed, you will be living and breathing clean air indoors. Here are a few Air Purifying Indoor Plants according to the Nasa Clean Air Study English ivy (Hedera helix) Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Devil’s ivy (Scindapsus aures or Epipremnum aureum) Peace lily (Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’) Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum) Bamboo palm or reed palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii) Mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata’Laurentii’) Heartleaf philodendron … Continue reading

Pets and Plants – Poisoning

pets and plants

Pets and plants, together can be dangerous. There are certain plants that are toxic to our pets. Since cats have a tendency to climb, they are more at risk in reaching a plant that may be toxic. I have always had cats and dogs and always make sure to check out what types of plants are safe before bringing one into my home.



When you experience an upset stomach with vomiting, we usually associate it with a stomach ailment like the flu or food poisoning, we tend to just take the normal measures. When it is associated with severe pain and fever, we need to look at it differently. My husband had many different symptoms but appendicitis wasn’t the first thought, the homemade bread was. On Monday, I decided to make homemade bread to go with dinner. My hubby wasn’t feeling tired so he was in the bedroom trying to get some sleep. … Continue reading

Parenting Styles

Family - Parenting Styles

As parents, we each have our own Parenting Style, no ones way is right and no ones way is wrong. We choose to raise our child in our own manners. Parenting styles are the portrayals of how parents respond and answer to their children. We all want our children to be well behaved and liked in society. The way we react or don’t react, affects the behaviour of our children.  How does your child react to your style of parenting? 

Apartment Living

Apartment Living

Apartment Living has its ups and downs and I’m not talking elevators. If you have ever lived in or are currently living in an apartment, some of what I have to say may sound familiar. Living in an apartment, there are all sorts of issues you have to deal with, good and bad. We have been living in our apartment for just under a year. We don’t normally complain about things. There are times when you need to. From the time we moved in the buzzer to let people in … Continue reading