Little House on The Prairie

Little House on The Prairie is based on the memoirs of Laura Ingalls Wilder, edited by her daughter Rose and published around 1932, producing 8 books in the series and a TV series from 1974-1982 airing on NBC. My admiration for Michael Landon, has made the show all the more worth while and has kept me watching many times over the years. Ok, I have to admit it was one of my favourite shows.

Little House on the Prairie

The Ingalls Family:

  • Charles Ingalls – Michael Landon
  • Caroline Ingalls – Karen Grassle
  • Mary Ingalls – Melissa Sue Anderson
  • Laura Ingalls – Melissa Gilbert
  • Carrie – Lindsey/Sidney Greenbush

Little House on the Prairie

The Ingalls family, decides to leave the Big Woods in Wisconsin and travel to Kansas where they are hoping to settle on free land and begin a new life. Pa (Charles Ingalls) builds a house and barn with the help of their new found friend and closest neighbour, Mr. Edwards (Victor French). They survived a rough winter, the friendship of the native’s of the land and scared by the howls of the night.  The Ingalls spend a year in Kansas when they area approached by soldiers who tell them they have to leave. The Ingalls pack up all their belongings and moved on to Walnut Grove, Minnesota.

Little House on The Prairie
The Ingalls family settle on Plum Creek around 1870, located just outside of town and begins to build their new life on their farm. There isn’t a job or a distance that Charles won’t travel to help is family. There isn’t a town person or local farmer who won’t lend a hand in time of need. There is always a harvest of friends.

The town of Walnut Grove was filled with so many different characters like the wacky Olsen’s , who own the Mercantile. Mrs Olsen believes they are the richest family in town. She is the busy body of the town and into everyone’s business. Doc Baker doesn’t just take care of people, he looked after animals and maybe even received a few chickens as payment of service.

Little House explored many different topics such as adoption, alcoholism, racism and blindness are portrayed over the years that tug at your heart and sometimes you made need a tissue or two.

There was always a lesson to be learned, through good or bad. Each show ended in church, with reflections and sometimes confessions were always brought into the sermons. Afterwards there were picnics by the creek with some fun and games.

Interesting Details about Little House on The Prairie

Michael Landon wrote and directed many episodes
Leslie Landon starred in 3 episodes
Michael Landon Jr also appeared.
Matthew Laborteaux portrayed Albert Ingalls and also a young Charles Ingalls
June Carter Cash and Johnny Cash guessed starred.

Did you watch Little House on The Prairie? What was your favourite episode? I couldn’t really pick just one, but those who are around run and hide when I get in that Little house mood.

Learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder or check out the official Little House Facebook page

This is not a sponsored post, but the ramblings of a faithful fan of 40 years.

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