Edible Flower Safety Precautions – Be Aware of Plant Part Usuage

Edible Flower Safety Precautions

Growing your own edible flowers can be a fun and interesting hobby that will add flavourful tastes, colours and nutrients to your diet. However, they are not for everyone. Starting slowly is the safest way to decide whether they are right for you. Read below for edible flower safety precautions. Edible Flower Safety Precautions – Be Aware Health Issues Those who have seasonal allergies might react to eating edible flowers, so they should exercise caution. Watch out for trouble breathing or a swollen tongue. In terms of preparation, in most cases, the … Continue reading

Edible Flowers that are Easy to Grow

Edible Flowers

Edible flowers have been used for centuries, both raw and cooked. Edible flowers may seem like a strange idea at first, but they are packed with plant nutrients known as phytochemicals, plus a range of vitamins and minerals. You don’t need a large garden to grow your own edible flowers. Some can be grown in container gardens, window ledges and window boxes. It’s a case of starting out with good seeds, soil and following instructions about watering and using natural pest control methods as needed. Edible Flowers that are Easy … Continue reading