Creating Seasoning Combinations from Edible Flowers and Herbs

Creating your own seasoning combinations

Creating seasoning combinations from edible flowers and herbs can be a fun journey of exploration.  I enjoy the quiet an am relaxed in my balcony oasis. Here are some tips for making your project a success. Creating Seasoning Combinations from Edible Flowers and Herbs Plant What You Will Really Use There are so many herbs and flowers to choose from. The best way to begin is with what you know you will really use. What’s in your recipes and your spice rack. Which seasonings do you use constantly? And how … Continue reading

Edible Flower Safety Precautions – Be Aware of Plant Part Usuage

Edible Flower Safety Precautions

Growing your own edible flowers can be a fun and interesting hobby that will add flavourful tastes, colours and nutrients to your diet. However, they are not for everyone. Starting slowly is the safest way to decide whether they are right for you. Read below for edible flower safety precautions. Edible Flower Safety Precautions – Be Aware Health Issues Those who have seasonal allergies might react to eating edible flowers, so they should exercise caution. Watch out for trouble breathing or a swollen tongue. In terms of preparation, in most cases, the … Continue reading

Drying Edible Flowers and Herbs – Easy Harvesting

Drying Edible flowers and herbs

Edible flowers and herbs can be delicate, but learning how to dry them properly can ensure you make the most of each harvest. Some people swear by a commercial food dehydrator, but if you don’t want to go to the expense, there are simple ways of drying edible flowers and herbs. Drying Edible Flowers and Herbs Know What Is Safe to Eat Take the time to research what is safe to eat, and what it can be used for. In some cases, you can use the flowers, in others the leaves. … Continue reading

Edible Flowers that are Easy to Grow

Edible Flowers

Edible flowers have been used for centuries, both raw and cooked. Edible flowers may seem like a strange idea at first, but they are packed with plant nutrients known as phytochemicals, plus a range of vitamins and minerals. You don’t need a large garden to grow your own edible flowers. Some can be grown in container gardens, window ledges and window boxes. It’s a case of starting out with good seeds, soil and following instructions about watering and using natural pest control methods as needed. Edible Flowers that are Easy … Continue reading

How to Prepare a Balcony Garden – Container Gardening

How to Prepare a Balcony Garden

Spring is here and it is time to head outside and prepare for the gardening season. I enjoy the time I spend each spring fixing up my balcony garden. There are rules that I am required to follow for using my balcony and this can sometimes leave me with limited ideas. We aren’t allowed BBQ’s or hanging baskets (although many break the rules) and definitely no drilling into the walls. Being 17 floors up, I would hate to see my beautiful flowers fly off on a windy day. This post contains … Continue reading

Winter Garden Prep – Tips to Winterize your Garden

Winter Garden Prep

Summer is almost over and soon the new season will be upon us. Weeding, watering and spending time in the garden will be over if you live in a cool climate like me. Most of what needs to be completed is a matter of cleaning up and covering up the garden. Many of my herbs will be brought inside and I am hopeful they will survive until springtime. Below you will find some ideas to help with winter garden prep. Winter Garden Prep I container garden so my winter prep will … Continue reading