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Canadian Friendly Twitter Parties and Chats
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Twitter Chat
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Join @PTPA on Thursday, February 8th at 12pm EST RSVP required to be eligible to win over $500 in PTPA Seal of Approval prizes.
#TangerineFLM #FLM2017 Twitter Party
Twitter PartyTheme: Financial Wellbeing Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Guests: Preet Banerjee @PreetBanerjee, Joe Snyder @JoePSnyder Host: Tangerine Bank @TangerineBank Hashtag(s): #TangerineFLM#FLM2017 Prizing: 4 X $100 MasterCard Gift Cards Eligibility: Canada excluding Quebec
Twitter ChatJoin the #CDNmoney chat Tuesday, April 11th from 7-8pm EST, especially if you are a new Canadian. You can ask the experts from TurboTax Canada any tax questions you have and win prizing as well.