Our daughter was born with a lazy eye, we noticed when she was a few months old. Eye care is very important at any age. Yes, My Child Wears Glasses is all about how we noticed that my child would one day need to have her vision corrected.
Our daughter has been seeing a specialist since she was about a year old. We tried taking her to our Optometrist but she just wouldn’t sit still. The eye tests were different. Not like the exam, she was accustomed too when she visited her specialist, so we continued the visits.
The Eye Care Specialist
We were never happy with the specialist. Each visit was a long wait, people with appointments after ours, went in ahead of us. The appointment felt like an all day event. The eye exam was the quickest part. I few flashes of light, having her focus and we were on our way. Each appointment was the same kind of exam. Not even close to the exams that I was use to. Yes, at the early age, she wasn’t able to read, but surely more than waving a stick in front of her eyes could have been done.
It has been a year since we visited the specialist, the last scheduled visit was six months back, our daughter was sick. The appointment was cancelled and a new day and time requested. We never received a callback and had left a few more messages (they never answer the phone). We gave up on the specialist. He wasn’t helping the situation. We only became frustrated with the office.
The Optometrist
We recently had a family appointment with our Optometrist. We talked to our daughter about the appointment and what she would experience. As many times as we give her eye drops, she still doesn’t like them. Each of has had the pre-exam and then waited for the next part of the exam. A real exam. An eye exam where my child can read and say what she does or doesn’t see.
We were not at all impressed with the outcome. Our daughter can barely see anything out of her left eye, she could become legally blind if the problem is not corrected. Surgery is not an option at this time, while it will correct the lazy eye, it will not correct the vision. We will be putting drops in her good eye for the next month. The drops dilute the working eye so that the bad eye will have to do the work.
As much as this diagnosis is upsets and frustrating We are hopeful the new plan for our daughter’s eye helps. At the end o September we are back at the optometrists for a progress report and a prescription for new glasses.
When you are sent to a specialist, you expect them to take care of your child, not rush the process. Our specialist failed our daughter’s eyes. If you would like know the struggles and challenges of having a young child wear glasses, check out the struggles and challenges of having a young child wear glasses, check out
Check out Keeping Glasses on an Infant to find out the struggles we had trying to keep our child in glasses.
When you notice something different about your child’s eye, have it checked out.
How frustrating! Glad you were able to get her eyes looked at. Hopefully the new plan works
me too, her current prescription is not correcting her eye, with me my glasses give me 20/20 vision. That is what I want for my daughter.. It kind of scares me to think about it.