Pets and plants, together can be dangerous. There are certain plants that are toxic to our pets. Since cats have a tendency to climb, they are more at risk in reaching a plant that may be toxic.
I have always had cats and dogs and always make sure to check out what types of plants are safe before bringing one into my home.
Here are a few poisonous plants:
Learn more about Poisonous Plants from A-Z Make sure your pets are safe.
Should you catch your pet eating a plant and you are unsure if it is poisonous, here are some signs to watch for:
Check out PetMD for more information for pet poisoning.
Identifying the plant is very important for treatment. Some plants can be fatal to your pets and action is required immediately. Consult a Vet if needed.
If you have a cat, please be safe and remove toxic plants from your home. If you have dogs, please keep them out of reach.
And this is why I have always had minimal houseplants in general..between pets and kiddos that can munch them, it’s scary!
I have a couple now, but they’re up high on the entertainment center..the cats can’t even get up there it’s so high!
orangeheromama recently posted…The Grain Farmers of Ontario – March Classic #GFOclassic
I don’t have any pets but this is a very informative post. Thanks for sharing!
This is so important. Pets are part of the family too and it’s so easy to forget about plants potentially being poisonous. I have maybe one or two plants now because I agree with Christy it’s too dangerous to take chances.
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Wow, who knew there were so many! I had heard about poinsettias but that was it!
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My pets love eating random things, I have to be super careful with them!
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