Haunted Ontario – Spooked by Ghosts


Halloween is just around the corner, what would be more fun than checking out a real haunted house or building near you in Haunted Ontario spots. Have you ever seen a ghost or visited a place that is known to have ghosts or spirits? While I haven’t been to any spooky places, I have heard ghosts, whispering in the night, at a house that I was told had spirits. While I was a bit skeptical about sleeping in a house that possibly has some sort of spirit floating around, never … Continue reading

Haunted Walks Ottawa – Ghosts and Gallows – Carleton Jail

Haunted Walks - Carleton Jail

In April, I  was in Ottawa attending the BConnected Conference.  While the conference didn’t officially start until Saturday, a fun Friday was planned for those attendees who arrived on Friday. We had a choice of 2 different Haunted Walks, Ghosts and Gallows or Time Travel Trail Adventure with Ottawa Tourism. I choose to take the Ghosts and Gallows Walk that took us to the Carleton Jail. Although I had not been on a Haunted Walk, I have wanted to for some time. Excitement and nervousness took over. The wait for this creepy … Continue reading