Disco Music of the 70s

Disco Music

Growing up in the 1970’s wasn’t really that much different than it is today. We all listened to music, whether it be rock, folk or disco music. I have been listening to a variety of music and bands since I was young. If it had a good beat, I was probably listening to it. When I listened to music it was usually on my little radio, a Realistic from Radio Shack or my portable record  (LP) player. I had a variety records that I would play. One of my favourite shows … Continue reading

Tile It for Mother’s Day – Tile Mate {Giveaway}

Over the weekend, I was introduced to a gadget and app called Tile, a finder of lost items. We are a family who loves gadgets, the more gadgets the better. After the reps demonstration on how this gadget works, I knew it would be perfect for our collection and now I Tile it, whenever I want just by simply slipping the Tile inside my wallet As a family, we spend hours out and about around Toronto. When getting ready to head out the door, I am always running around packing for our outing … Continue reading

9 Cancelled TV Series – 2017 Season

Cancelled TV Series

I have a few shows I really enjoy watching and I am saddened that they will be ending this season.  Each year around this time, the networks decide what shows will be staying and which ones will be going. Here is a brief list of the cancelled TV series. 9 Cancelled TV Series – 2017 Netflix Bloodline NBC Grimm A&E Bates Motel Fox Bones The Mindy Project FreeForm Pretty Little Liars Switched at Birth (already ended) The CW Reign The Vampire Diaries For a full listening check them out here. … Continue reading

Aquarium Life of the Pacific

In September 2012, during one of our vacations in California, we had the chance visit the Aquarium of the Pacific . Not only did we see ocean creatures up close, but were able to read all about them with all the facts and information about the world around hthe Aquarium life. Aquarium Life of the Pacific We began venturing through the building, taking in all the information and sites we could see. Learning as we travelled along. The colourful sea life amazed not only me, but my daughter, who was in … Continue reading

California – Destination San Diego

I never go on vacation, at least not in a long time. In, 2012,  I went to California twice. Neither one planned by my me. The first trip was in February. It was arranged by my mom and sister that we would go there for “Our Birthdays” my sisters and mine, also for my daughter to meet her Aunt for the first time. The last Family time that was spent with our mom/gramma. Our trip in February was great but was a bit cool for the beach. It was more … Continue reading

Feeding a Picky Eater – Meal Time Hassles

picky eater

Growing up I was really picky with the food I ate. There were many nights where I would not eat because the meal was something I just would not eat. I was not given an alternative to the meal that was prepared. I ate it or I went without. It seems that my daughter has turned out the same way and is now a picky eater too. As I grew I changed some of my eating habits and began eating more of those vegetables and fruit I did not eat. Feeding … Continue reading