The first day of summer was yesterday and there are only 4 days left before our daughter is finished school. During the summer she will be attending a summer camp. On the weekends she will be home and we will be hearing those dreaded words “I’m bored”. Well, I have the perfect response to that. ” Why not do some colouring” and hand her the Beach days and a day at the park colouring printables I created. I am prepared for those weekend moments. How about you?
Beach Days and At the Park Colouring Printables
While some just like to hang at the beach and enjoy the sun, others like to dig in the dirt and build sand castles and more.
There are so many things to do at the beach. Aside from being in the water, what is your favourite activity?
At The Park
Since we don’t have a car, we like to spend time at the local parks around Toronto that have splash pads, a pool and a playground. We pack a picnic and are gone for the day. You never know where we may end up in the city.
I love to colour so I will be printing a few off so I can pull out my sharpies and pencil crayons and colour a masterpiece with my daughter. Who knows, maybe even the hubby will join in too.
Plan on spending time at the beach or near a sandbox? Pick up these Tote-em Pails toy from my Tupperware site and have fun in the sand.
Enjoy your summer and all the fun activities and adventures you and your family will have.
Follow along when I share our adventures here on the blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Save these to Pinterest so you have the printables for later.
If you like printables I have more, check them out on my Printables Page.