Too Many TV Shows

Too Many TV Shows

What a difference 3 years can make. I have more choices of shows, old and new, I watch when I want and not by a schedule. Since my original post in 2012, we have cut the cable. We now stream online and save tons of money. So the new TV season has begun and my addiction of great shows has returned. Each season I find at least 1 new show if not more to add to my growing list and a few have been removed due to cancellation. Before I … Continue reading

My Fall TV, 2013 is Almost Here

Summer Shows are just finishing up and the new Fall Season is just around the corner. I want to get excited about the upcoming shows but when I get interested in a show it seems to get cancelled before the end of the first season. What I am thrilled about are my returning favourites. Not to say I don’t like some of the previews for them and I will check them out. Don’t leave me hanging, I want to know what would have happened… 5 Returning Shows I Will Be … Continue reading