It seems that in the colder months my chronic pain is at its worst. I live every day with pain, some days not as bad as others and on the rare occasion there is none at all.
This winter seems to have taken its toll on my old bones. My hands, shoulders, feet and back have all been affected, leaving me unable to walk or stand for longer then 10 minutes. My hands are something I need to be able to use on a daily basis and most days I can’t, either my hands are swollen and sore or my shoulders are so and won’t allow my arms to lift up without pain.
Last year I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis after years of experiencing random pain that gradually increased. I do what I can to relieve the pain through medications, DIY and herbal emedies but sometimes the pain just takes over and there is no relief.
On the days “when I just can’t do that”, my husband helps out and lately, he has been helping out quite a bit despite his own aches and chronic pains I do my best to help when I can, even if it is only small things. If I try to hard I feel as though I have been set back and have to regain the heeling of feeling good for a few days. I have given up on things I would normally be able to do, my body just won’t allow it.
There are many different types of chronic pain, we all suffer at different extremes. Our pain is real and should be seen that way, not a way of getting out of something or having someone else do it for you. We don’t want sympathy, we just want understanding and a little compassion.
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Do you feel judged or misunderstood? I do!
so sorry to hear you are suffering, that must be terrible
I am so sorry to hear about all the pain. You are strong lady!
So sorry to hear this! My husband has repetitive strain injuries, and I know he often suffers in silence, just trying to get through the day. I can only guess how it must just grind you down.
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Hugs! Chronic pain is no fun! I watch my mom go through it and it kills me to see her in so much pain all the time! I feel for ya!
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i admire your strength, it’s not easy to live with chronic pain everyday. You are right, it is real and should be regarded that way! ((Hugs))
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