Mama Bear’s Haven received the October Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe box in order to conduct this review. All opinions are our own as always.
My October recipe box arrived today and there were 6 recipes to check out. My box came with 4 Essential oils, soy wax, lip balm containers and a wick to make a candle. inside my bonus box, there were a few more supplies to get the creations with oils started.
Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box – Review
When you live in an apartment building, you tend to get the smells wondering in from the hallway. I decided t start by making a scented candle. Once I found the right container from my craft cupboard, it came to deciding on the scent of the recipe to make. I decided to try the Cassia and Balsam fir candle for an outdoor feel. The scent was mild but it felt like we were outside in a park full of trees.
Next, I decided to try the recipe for the joint pain roll on. I have a few aches and pains so I wanted to see if it would help. (recipe above)
I have a sensitivity to scents and if it’s a strong scent I will get a headache, so I really need to be careful. The scent of the joint paint was a mild smell and did not bother me at all. For the pain, it did help a bit, however, I do find that with the amount of pain I experience, most topicals only ease it a small amount.
Remember, that what works for one, may not always work for others. It is a game of hit or miss.
Visit Simply Earth, subscribe now with the code MAMABEARFREE and you will receive a Big Bonus Box, an Essential Oil Recipe box, and a $40 e-gift card towards future purchases. Time is running out for the October box but you can always get the November box.
Did you know that 13% of sales go to help end Human Trafficking? They have many organizations that they highlight each month which they are supporting through sales.
There are many uses for essential oils and I will be adding some of these scents to my DIY body scrubs this winter for gifts.
Do you use essential oils? What do you use yours for?