Victoria Day is a Canadian statutory holiday, also known as May 2-4 weekend. It is the weekend that Kicks off Summer. What ever we do, or where ever we go, it usually includes camping, drinking, BBQ’s, planting gardens or just celebrating the start of summer with something fun.
Victoria Day is Celebrated the weekend before May 24, and is the celebration of Queen Victoria’s Birthday.
Growing up as a young girl, we would spend most of our weekends and summers in Wasaga Beach. The first weekend we would head there was Victoria Day weekend. It was the weekend of opening up the trailer after a long winter and testing out the cold waters for the first swim of the year. How crazy was I? Brr, I couldn’t even imagine doing this now.
As we got older we began to do spend more time with friends than family, which of course would have alcohol involved campfires, tents and some stories we may not want to remember.
These days we don’t venture to far from home, we don’t have a car. Since we live in Toronto, there is always something fun to do, all weekend long. We just hop on the TTC bus and travel where ever we decide to go.
Just remember it isn’t a celebration, without ending it with the bang of fireworks. If you live in the Toronto area you can see them at Ashbridges Bay or Canada’s Wonderland. For us, we can see them all weekend long from the balcony.
We haven’t decided what we are doing yet, but what ever we do, we will be making memories together.
Have a great long weekend!

Isn’t it great? to have the overall view of fireworks. I have that view and can see lots of fireworks off my balcony 🙂 enjoy the weekend mama bear