Apartment Building Security Guards leave Tenants Unsecured

Security Guards

We are supposed to feel safe, knowing our building has Security Guards patrolling the premises. Many do not.  The security guards don’t really do their job. Most times they are behind a locked closed-door. Should you happen to knock, they answer the door in a not so timely manner, like they were woken from a nap. Yes, they secure themselves but not the building. I definitely don’t feel secure with these apartment building Security Guards. Security Guards Duty There are many job descriptions for a security guard, but generally it … Continue reading

Speeding Cars and the Front Yard Fence

Our front yard is probably a bit bigger than the average Toronto yard compared to others I have seen, It is only several feet away from the street, but thankfully, we aren’t on a main street but just off of one, so there isn’t really much traffic except for people in the neighbourhood. Every now and then I squealing tires and honking horns can be heard in my somewhat quiet neighbourhood, where the speed limit is 40km but some feel the need to go 60km to get to the main street, … Continue reading