#McHappy Day is Wednesday May 8th

Every year Ronald McDonald Houses serves over 10,0000 families. But there are still many families who need our help and are turned away due to lack of space. Some Houses report turn-away rates as high as 70 per cent. The Houses offer families so much more than just a roof over their heads. Qualified staff and dedicated volunteers are committed to providing comfort and care to the families, so they can focus on healing their sick child. And they are filled with families who share a common bond – love … Continue reading

TV Junkie

TV Junkie

I have always had a TV, every since I was little and with 3 kids all watching different shows, 1 TV was never enough, so there were always a few floating around the house. It saved on the fights of who was watching what. I seem to watch a little bit of everything, from soaps, comedies, actions, dramas and of course now we have reality tv. Oh and I can’t forget a movie every now and then. VCR’s and PVR’s became a big hit with me. I never had to … Continue reading

Weekly Dart Night for Date night

As parents we spend so much time with our children, we forget that we need time together as a couple away from parenting duties. We talked about different things we could do to take time to ourselves or go out with other couples or friends. For my hubby’s Birthday I bought him a dart board to give him something he likes to do but hasn’t done in years. I have played darts the odd time in the past and play on Wii (not the same) something we could do in … Continue reading