Spam Comments – Can You Tell

Spam Comments

Spam Spam Spam..Can you spot the SPAM Comments? People are paid to write Spam comments. It is hard to believe that people try to post such jibberish and then expect us to approve it. All websites want to have a high Google Rank and will stop at nothing to get to the top. If you allow spam comments with links, you are enabling them to rank at the top. Spot the Spam Comments? Here are a few comments that I have received. This article made me become shiny. After doing … Continue reading

Let the Blogathon Weekend Begin!

Blogathon Weekend

When our days are busy and full, sometimes we neglect the small things that need to be taken care of. We put these items on our to-do lists and hope we have time to get to them. I joined the Biannual Blogathon Bash with some of my fellow blogging friends, as I have in the past to complete tasks and make more dents in the work I have to do on my blog. Let the Blogathon weekend begin. Blogathon Weekend This weekend happens twice a year. It gives us bloggers a chance … Continue reading

The BConnected Experience – A Conference to Attend in 2017

If you are looking for a conference to attend, this would be one of them. Here is my experience, thoughts and Opinion. The BConnected Experience Attending  BConnected lets you connect in real life, with those you connect with every day in the world of social media. Brands, Bloggers, influencers networking together. It’s a 2-day conference with a back to back schedule of speakers, food, fun and of course learning different aspects of the digital world. As a blogger, Through the keynote speakers and the sessions, there is so much to … Continue reading

Biannual Blogathon Bash Marathon

Blogathon bash

The Biannual Blogathon Bash weekend happens twice a year.  It is a weekend that bloggers around the world can set aside some time to focus on a To-do-List.  This will be my second Blogathon, my first was in January, getting the year off to a good start. It is so hard to put time aside in the summer with my daughter home, I gave myself this weekend to do just that. This is my weekend to shine and get some much-needed tasks done. There will be Twitter chats and mini … Continue reading

Sustainability at Ford – Greener Cleaner Vehicles

Ford Sustainability

Have you ever wondered what your car is made of? I didn not until this past weekend at the BConnected Conference in Ottawa, when Matt Drennan-Scace, Communications Manager, FordCraigSilva, Senior Community Manager , at Ford Canada, along with Paula Roy, Food Editor at Ottawa A Home Magazine gave a speech on Sustainability at Ford. What I Learned Sustainable by-products were first used in the 1940’s when Henry Ford built a plastic paneled car using soy. Ford wants a cleaner, greener, lightweight car and that is exactly what they have done. With … Continue reading

Blogathon Bash Weekend


This weekend I will be participating in a Blogathon Bash weekend event. It is a biannual event that happens in January and June. A fun few days twice a year to prepare and check off some of your goals and accomplishments. I have always wanted to join in, however I have never found the time. I have put aside time from my busy days to focus on the items I want to accomplish for my blog and home office area. Over the course of the weekend I will be focusing … Continue reading